In 2010, Ken McLean, Martin Wirth, Mark Johnson and Millard Evans captured their third Canadian title with a win over Ontario’s Gareth Parry. The Albertans would go on to secure their third global ...
Frank O’Brien of Montreal, Quebec was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1979.
In 2010, Martin Wirth along with Mark Johnson and Millard Evans and Ken McLean captured their third Canadian title with a win over Ontario’s Gareth Parry. The Albertans would go on to secure their ...
Est-ce que je peux accéder à l’Original 16 Sky Deck avec une place de prix régulier dans les estrades? Oui, selon les limites de capacité, vous pouvez accéder au Sky Deck avec un billet de prix ...
CurlON launched “Hit Draw Tap” in the 2015-2016 season. It was an instant success – over 450 kids participated in the first year! Hit Draw Tap is modeled after the NFL’s Punt Kick Pass or Master’s ...
Round robin draws are a key part of the curling rink operation. The creation of balanced and fair draw schedules is critical to membership retention as your customers / members can be dissatisfied ...
You’ve seen it from this view. Now try it from this one! Try curling. Curling Canada has developed a promotional poster to help your curling centre recruit new ...
Every great curler can tell you a story about a coach who had a significant impact on their career, and in some cases, continue to have that impact. This is where you’ll find out what it takes to be a ...
In March of 1988 it was announced that Paul Savage of Toronto had been inducted into the Curling Hall of Fame. The curling record of Paul Savage speaks for itself. He appeared at the Brier seven times ...
Les horaires de tournois à la ronde sont un élément clé de l’exploitation d’un centre de curling. La création d’horaires de matchs équilibrés et justes est essentielle au maintien des membres étant ...
Every gift to Curling Canada’s philanthropic program, For the Love of Curling, means an investment in the on and off ice dreams of young curler across Canada. Your gift today will ensure that more ...
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