If you can believe it, today was the first day I've actually checked a book out from the library. My mom has been keeping me supplied with books and I've also not been reading as much as I did in ...
I walked home through Castleton after taking my car in for a service. I passed two interesting buildings - a former Carnegie Library and a closed pub with a missing "L".
We saw these walking along by the canal after we had called at Sainsbury’s shopping at Ladbroke Grove Branch. It is situated right on the canal. I went to the optician with my daughter to help me ...
Luna had 'The Boys' and Poppy to play this morning. Poppy is six months old now and although she thinks she's able to keep up with the older ones there comes a time when she needs to rest awhile. That ...
Another challenging night but felt better late morning and enough to cut the grass; after which I was wiped-out. A test confirmed that I've still got the unmentionable, wicked, virus-thing. Son Andy ...
Taken today after the service in the St Denys Church in York. We were made to feel most welcome in this historic old church. It is a 12th Century Parish Church and a Grade 1 listed building.
It was calmer today so we headed back to the coast close to Banyuls. We virtually had the beach to ourselves and I had a good swim in the sea , I think my last of the season, and took lots more fish ...
"Cherish sunsets, wild creatures and wild places. Have a love affair with the wonder and beauty of the Earth." Stewart Udall American politician 1920-2010 I am very grateful for all of the kind and ...
we started the day with a beach walk and paddle. Headed for the Wee Toon for coffee and cake before heading home. It only takes an hour. Showered and clean again I have put some extra photos of our ...
"Think about it?" says Mrs B..... "When did you last ride a bike?" "When did you last ride a bike on Italian roads?" "When did you last ride a bike on Italian roads to an Italian supermarket?" "When ...
Some days ago, saw spoons inside our freezer. When I asked B about them he told me he read that cold spoons have the same effect as cucumbers for treating puffy eyes. After that, I saw a scene in Love ...
Went out for the today beautiful weather I went back to where I grew up in my day as a child we were able to climb right to the top and view all over Dublin not ...