Provisional Mortality Statistics, Jan - Dec 2024Release date 31/03/2025 11:30am AEDT Provisional Mortality Statistics, Jan 2025Release date 29/04/2025 11:30am AEST Provisional Mortality Statistics, ...
This publication updates the preliminary estimates released in Construction Work Done, Australia on 26 February 2025. This release includes revisions to Engineering Construction data back to September ...
Consumption of meat and poultry products increased by 2.3% in 2023-24 Total dietary energy averaged 8,667 kJ per capita per day, similar to the level in 2022-23 (8,673 kJ) Discretionary foods ...
Tourism-related jobs with a direct impact on tourism activity. A direct impact occurs where there is a direct relationship (physical and economic) between a visitor and the producer of a good or ...
The capitals grew by 427,800 people (2.4%) in 2023-24. Capital city growth comprised overseas migration (373,000), natural increase (89,500) and internal migration (-34,600). Melbourne had the largest ...
The monthly CPI indicator rose 2.4% in the 12 months to February. The largest contributors to the annual movement were Food and non-alcoholic beverages (+3.1%), Alcohol and tobacco (+6.7%), and ...
23,700 (3.4%) more jobs than September quarter 2024 17,500 (2.5%) more jobs than December quarter 2023 1 in 23 (4.4%) filled jobs in the economy.
remotely and cannot connect to your NextGen Desktop (NGD) outside regular support hours overseas and cannot contact the Service Centre by phone Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. We will ...
Note 1: Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry multi response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the sum of ...
The Census does not release data for gazetted localities. The gazetted locality you searched for is shown as a red outline. The data is provided for the blue shaded area. This represents the State ...
The ABS publishes two regular reports that provide preliminary information on mortality - Provisional Mortality Statistics and Deaths due to Selected acute respiratory infections. These reports ...