Autochthonous (adjective; also used as a noun): A member of the original population of a country; an inhabitant of a country ...
I’m trying to say our emotions are natural, but they’re also flexible. They can be remolded. We can understand that we will ...
When we returned in late spring, after Kosovo’s liberation, our home was completely destroyed. Our valuables, including the ...
Bashkim Veliu lowers his gaze, lost in thought as memories from 25 years ago resurface. “When they left, it felt like someone ...
The zine “This is what peace looks like” includes contributions from eight authors who, through their own stories or by ...
Are you driven by independent journalism and have a deep understanding of Kosovo and the Balkans? Do you have a keen eye for detail and a background in editing? We’re on the lookout for an English ...
We invite you to Hub 2.0 on Monday, September 30, at 5:30 p.m., for the launch of K2.0’s zine, This Is What Peace Looks Like. The zine brings together narratives exploring memory, post-war experiences ...
Journalist for the Croatian daily Večernji List talks about being a war correspondent and his early days in the PLO and ...
Në freskun e dhjetorit të vitit 2009, në prag të krishtlindjes e nisa një aventurë një-javore në Berlin për ta shijuar ...
SHQ ENG B/C/S Fjalorth i (pas) luftës në gjuhën shqipe Nocionet e konceptet themelore të luftës e pasluftës në ...
SHQ ENG B/C/S Arkivi alternativ Në mungesë të një institucion shtetëror, individët kane mbledhur e ruajtur dëshmitë mbi ...
SHQ ENG B/C/S A mundet njohja e gjuhës t’i përafrojë komunitetin shqiptar dhe serb? Duke sjellë nevojën për t’u ...