I am trying to calculate losses for the synchronous MOSFET. In table 2-2, the body diode conduction loss uses a term of (Vload*Fsw)/2. This results in a very high calculated loss. I think the voltage ...
Check the generated file test.json, the 0x34, 0x38, 0x3C are configured to select PDM1 PDM1 and echo as channel0, channel1 channel2 in the I2S/TDM commnuication. 6. Copy the test.bin to the kernel and ...
We are working on DRA821U CPU with Linux SDK 09.02, we are facing issue with sd voltages switching in uboot, Here is the senario,initially detects with UHS mode, but once we launch "mmc rescan" again ...
This thread has been locked. If you have a related question, please click the "Ask a related question" button in the top right corner. The newly created question will be automatically linked to this ...
SCB is a read compare. So if you write "50 4a" to register 44 (accessing address 0x4a50) and read back the data from 0x4a50 then the value returned should be "2c 0e". SCB is to ensure data being ...
We are using AM6254 with MCU SDK 9.0. We want to port TAS2505 AMP and make audio output to SPK. ( we don't use HDMI).
I am currently working on a project that involves driving a UV LED with a current of approximately 500mA. I am looking for a suitable LED driver IC that does not require a sense resistor or any form ...
I used board that named LAUNCHXL_F2800157. I use the example document to develop SCI bootloader, the document link is : https://www.ti.com/cn/lit/an/zhcadf7/zhcadf7 ...
As per the datasheet, LM5050-2 is a wide input voltage operation range IC (Recommended Vin: 6V to 75V). But primarily, it appears to be best suitable for 48V power supplies applications. Is it ...
I want to add a transformer to my design, but I have encountered a barrier. I understand that there are at least three methods for adding a transformer: 1) add the part from a library, 2) create the ...
i've been working with the SK-AM62 EVM for a couple of processor sdk versions. Currently im switching to, but this time the u-boot building fails when doing the binman job after compiling ...