Created in 1975, the event presents around a hundred American films over ten days and welcomes actors and directors to the Normandy seaside resort. The 2023 edition will take place from 1 to 10 ...
More than ever, Paris is asserting its position as a key player on the international design scene. From 5 to 14 September 2024, the whole of the City of Light will be the scene of intense creative ...
Aan het Kanaal bepalen de getijden het levensritme aan de kust. Zowat elke zes uur krijgt de kustlijn een heel ander voorkomen. En wanneer het springtij is, wordt dit schouwspel nog indrukwekkender.
"Ô temps, suspends ton vol" del poema "Le Lac" de Alphonse de Lamartine, y no es (solo) porque la ciudad sea la cuna histórica de la relojería francesa. Delicadamente enclavada entre los meandros del ...
"We left Barcelona in the morning and arrived early in the afternoon at the charming hotel Château de Maraval, located in Cénac-et-Saint-Julien, well located to discover the most beautiful villages of ...
The black truffle of the Périgord is a magic mushroom that has the gift of sublimating dishes with its subtle flavor: a risotto or an omelette with pieces of black truffles, or a pâté de Périgueux ...
Con una lunghezza di 170 chilometri e 51 grands crus di sette vitigni, la strada dei vini dell'Alsazia è un must! Da Marlenheim, a nord, fino a Thann, a sud, castelli fortificati e villaggi fioriti, ...
The forests of the Vézère Valley are home to a significant concentration of prehistoric sites and deposits, with fourteen of them recognised as UNESCO World Heritage sites since 1979. Others, such as ...
¿Dónde dejar las maletas en Francia? De Bretaña a la Costa Azul, las ciudades turísticas y las estaciones turísticas clasificadas ofrecen una acogida especial a los visitantes, cada vez más basada en ...
Para un viaje fluido y visitar museos con poca gente, es esencial planificar tu estancia prestando atención a algunos detalles. Fechas, horarios, lugares... Nuestra pequeña guía exhaustiva te ayudará ...
This Dordogne-Périgord car route starts in Sarlat, the capital of the "Black Périgord", so called because of its dark forests, and which also reminds us of the colour of the truffles in this region.