Universal basic income is gaining global traction, with over 100 cash payment pilots in the US. UBI and basic income aims to reduce poverty by giving people cash, no strings attached. Participants ...
Known as universal basic income or guaranteed income, these proposals have been divisive. Depending on whom you ask, providing all Americans with a guaranteed universal basic income could erase ...
Universal basic income has made giant strides from its origins as a utopian vision toward becoming economic reality. Basic ...
Countries like Kenya, Ireland, and the UK are experimenting with universal basic income or guaranteed basic income through ...
Although we don’t call it universal basic income, the amount that we are spending on behalf of low-income individuals without ...
The idea of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) has sparked a heated debate. The Welsh government pilot is set to focus on people leaving care. It was an idea mooted last year following an increased ...
The argument about a universal basic income (UBI) versus a job guarantee (JG) has become one of the liveliest and most contentious debates on the Left. Each has been touted as a solution to all ...
Everywhere you look, it seems, people are talking about a Universal Basic Income (UBI)—a monthly cash benefit paid to every citizen that would replace the existing means-tested welfare system.
A major study into Universal Basic Income has found the majority of people who were handed no-strings-attached payments ...
Depending on whom you ask, providing all Americans with a guaranteed universal basic income could erase inequality and spur entrepreneurship or it could be a recipe for economic disaster.
Universal basic income is a beloved idea in Silicon Valley, with proponents from Elon Musk to Sam Altman. But can it ever become a reality? The middle class doesn’t have to shrink. This is the ...