After the grand dame of hair towels, the Aquis, was discontinued last month, Dominique Pariso, who’s covered them for several ...
While using a regular towel to dry hair may seem fine, the standard cotton or terry-cloth towel is actually too heavy and rough. This creates far too much friction on wet hair and will ultimately ...
Does your hair feel like it's perpetually thirsty, no matter how much conditioner you slather on? Or maybe it seems like ...
Don’t have a hair dryer at home? No problem! These simple tricks speed up your hair-drying process and leave you with ...
These towels soak up more water than cotton, which helps your hair dry faster. You’ll spend less time under a hair dryer, which saves you time and leads to healthier and more attractive hair.
We all experience hair fall after shampooing our hair. Though it's a common phenomenon, it can be distressing. Scroll down to ...
Hair washing isn’t just about lathering up shampoo. We asked experts what we’re doing wrong, and how to fix it ...
Introduction Beach towels are an essential summer accessory, providing comfort, style, and functionality for beach trips, ...
It’s surprisingly quick-drying given its loft and doesn’t feel like a cinderblock on my head when I wrap my hair in the towel to dry. To keep it looking and feeling its best, I make sure to ...
Once the hair has been towel-dried and combed through with a wide-toothed comb or detangling brush, use your hair dryer on ...
If you’re like us, you may notice something odd every time you pay a stylist to wash and blow-dry your hair: It looks amazing ...