Wintertime thunder is louder because of how sound travels, which depends on temperature and air density. 3News Meteorologist ...
This discharge can happen cloud-to-cloud ... the Sun), creating the bright flash of light we see. With lightning, there’s ...
Thunderstorms start in clouds. Inside a storm cloud ... And the further away you are, the longer thetime between the lightning and the thunder. You can work out how far away a thunderstorm ...
When people think of heat, they often think of things like boiling water or a hot summer's day. However, lightning dwarfs these common perceptions of warmth. A single bolt can heat the surrounding ...
This is why we always remind you that when thunder roars go indoors! Lightning tends to strike the tallest object in any open space since it is closest to the storm cloud and the first thing in ...
Veiled in clouds and mist at rest, this loong tail conjures thunder and lightning with its every move. Its purpose lingers in mystery, likely to unfold in times ahead. Materials are items that are ...