“Covenantal thinking created an American national identity,” said Smith. He emphasized that the covenant ties together a ...
To the editor: I read the published letter about the players’ Christian statements. The statement that caught my attention was “unless it hurts someone.” Although I am Christian, I am not a ...
Across the street from the Nebraska State Capitol, a monument to the Ten Commandments stands on the sidewalk outside of St.
Far from limiting state involvement in religion, the Irish constitution enshrines it. There isn't just prayer in most public schools; there is full-on Christian — almost always Catholic ...
Alabama voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2018 to say public schools can display the Ten Commandments.
Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon, a Republican, signed legislation late last week to bolster religious freedom from state-level rules ...
In response to your article concerning Ohio State football and their promoting their religious beliefs: In a time where drive ...