What you might not expect is that the grand majority of bee species do not produce honey or even live in hives. Roughly 77% of the bees on earth are classified as solitary. This classification exists ...
The larvae of most bee fly species lay their eggs in or on other insects, particularly wasps and solitary bees. The larvae then feed on the insect host, usually killing it. Being both pollinators and ...
March in New England brings the earliest signs of spring. Plants that have been dormant all winter start to wake up and so do ...
Some 21,000 distinctly different species of bees live worldwide. Some are solitary females who dig their nest tunnels in the ground or dead wood without help. Others are social, living among tens ...
Thanks to swarms of apiary enthusiasts, native species are finally getting the ... Aside from bumblebees, most native bees live solitary lives and nest underground or in tree trunks, logs, plants ...
There are more than 4,000 species of ground and twig nesting ... mason bees and polyester bees — lead a solitary life. What do these bees need and how can we support them? In our home gardens ...