But how do sleep cycles work? To find out, I took part in a polysomnography. This is a gold standard sleep study that helps ...
"Deep sleep builds your immune system, and REM sleep regulates and fine-tunes it," says Darwall-Smith agrees. During deep ...
Researchers sought to better understand the connection between REM sleep patterns in patients with either insomnia or MDD.
Most people spend a third of their lives sleeping, but you may need more or less than eight hours a night. The amount of ...
Struggling to get decent shut eye can impact your health and wellbeing dramatically but what if we told you there's a fruity ...
Researchers from ISTA discovered that sleep helps solidify spatial memories by reorganizing neuronal patterns. During non-REM ...
Experts have warned that consuming bread and alcohol before bed can have a negative impact on your sleep, with some people ...
"Keep naps to 20 minutes max and set an alarm to wake yourself up," Kaur advises, "and always nap before 3pm to maintain a ...
Drinking alcohol before bed raises blood alcohol content, which disrupts rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep, a critical phase ...