I was finding it hard to breathe. The air was heavy with amber plumes of sulphur dioxide, filling my gasping lungs. At 3,200m ...
Mount Etna tour guide Dario Teri told Storyful that Etna is one of the few volcanoes where people can ski "near a lava field.
Thousands of tourists have flocked to snow-capped Mount Etna to witness the volcano erupting spectacular lava sprays. But the sudden influx of sightseers has become a safety risk, local ...
Located on the island's east coast, Mount Etna is perhaps Sicily's best-known geological feature encompassing nearly 48,000 acres within Etna National Park. A UNESCO World Heritage Site and the ...
As Italy's Mount Etna continued to erupt, three daredevil skiers were captured skiing down the snowy slopes. Video footage shows the skiers coming down the slopes with glowing, molten lava flowing ...