But further tests pinpointed what they — and the boy — had been missing: iodine. A century ago, iodine deficiency affected ...
Here’s everything you need to know about the essential trace mineral iodine and how to get enough of it on a plant-based diet ...
While there are a whole host of vitamins and minerals that are essential to our bodies being able to function properly, a ...
Several years ago, a patient asked me what she could eat to treat hypothyroidism — a medical condition characterized by ...
Iodised salt all but eradicated iodine deficiency years ago, but cases are now rising. Pregnant women and children are ...
The placental barrier fails to fully protect against harmful contaminants, prompting calls for iodine testing in pregnancy ...
iodine deficiency affected kids across large swaths of the country. It essentially disappeared after some food makers started adding it to table salt, bread and some other foods, in one of the ...