There are a lot of questions as to how blood harvesting affects the American horseshoe crab population, but some researchers are dedicated to the cause of protecting such a significant resource.
No, it's not science fiction, just plain old science. We're talking about the horseshoe crab. For decades we've needed them, and their blood, to help us discover human medicines. They're being ...
NEW YORK— Environmentalists are outraged over Gov. Kathy Hochul's recent decision to veto the Horseshoe Crab Protection Act, which prohibits the taking of horseshoe crabs from New York waters.
Horseshoe crabs are marine arthropods that live primarily in and around shallow ocean waters on soft sandy or muddy bottoms. They occasionally come onto shore to mate. They are commonly used as ...
DOVER, Del.— The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission decided this week to forgo a 2024 bait harvest of female horseshoe crabs in Delaware Bay, where the crabs’ eggs provide a critical food ...
WILMINGTON, Del.— A coalition of pharmaceutical companies and conservation groups launched the Sustainability Scorecard for Endotoxin Testing to accelerate the adoption of synthetic alternatives to ...
The subject of concern is the Limulus polyphemus, commonly known as the Atlantic horseshoe crab, whose blue blood is of great benefit to the medical and pharmaceutical industries. The blood of ...
Researchers in Hong Kong are turning to drones and artificial intelligence (AI) software technology to protect the local population of endangered horseshoe crabs. The study is part of a trial ...
What is an Atlantic horseshoe crab? Atlantic horseshoe crabs may appear alien, but their history as earthlings is pretty impressive. They’ve been around for 450 million years, predating the ...