1. Payment of Fees/Promise to Pay. You understand that when you register for any class at the University or receive any service from the University, you accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, ...
For this reason, all W&M students are required to accept the Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA) annually. Signing this agreement acknowledges your financial obligations related to enrolling in ...
By signing, patients or their guardians indicate agreement to the following: MEDICARE PART B RECIPIENT AUTHORIZATION: I request payment of authorized Medicare benefits be made on my behalf for ...
The financial agreement provides important information about University policies and contractually binds the student to these policies. Affirm Agreement in HUB Student Center The student should refer ...
The University at Buffalo (UB) Financial Agreement To-Do item must be completed every semester in order to be able to register for classes. Click Holds in the navigation menu and you will see that ...
I understand and agree that if I drop or withdraw from some or all of the classes for which I register, I will be responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and fees in accordance with RIT’s ...
The Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA) outlines and informs students of the financial obligations and responsibilities associated with enrolling for classes at the University of ...
Below is a copy of the Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA). All students who want to register for a course are required to understand and agree to the terms and conditions of the FRA once every ...