Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. took aim at a long-criticized food safety loophole on March 10, ...
The Health and Human Services secretary is pushing to change a program that allows companies to add untested ingredients to ...
Health Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. initiated a significant shift in the regulation of ultra-processed foods by directing ...
The ‘Generally Recognized As Safe’ process apparently would continue – if only for a while – but would require FDA ...
(Photo: Lydia Johnson) The Food and Drug Administration will consider potential rulemaking to eliminate the self-affirmed Generally Recognized as Safe pathway for food ingredients and chemicals.
A stock photo of processed food. A stock photo of processed food. Mizina/Getty If GRAS is eliminated, it will "enhance the FDA's oversight of ingredients" included in American food, the HHS press ...
The FDA's GRAS rule revision seeks to enhance consumer safety by requiring manufacturers to notify regulators about new food ingredients and additives. Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F.
If the GRAS program (generally recognized safe) is ended, companies would have to inform the FDA when new ingredients are presented in foods. Kennedy said in a statement that eliminating the ...