A chalazion and a hordeolum are both bumps ... is painful or tender to the touch or if you have burning or swelling in one eyelid. If the lump isn’t tender and there’s little to no ...
A chalazion is a swollen, pain-free lump on the eyelid. It gradually forms when the meibomian gland, a sebaceous (oil) gland, is blocked. A chalazion is sometimes called an eyelid cyst or a ...
If a gland is blocked (meibomian gland dysfunction), the oil backs up and thickens, forming a red, swollen area called a chalazion. A chalazion most often occurs on the upper eyelid near the ...
A pimple on your eyelid usually isn't acne ... by avoiding makeup and using warm compresses. If your chalazion doesn't go away, or becomes painful and swollen, you may need to see your doctor ...