Female cowbirds lay their eggs in the nests of more than 100 different kinds of birds, foisting the work of chick-rearing onto unwitting foster-parents. Now, a new paper describes how the cowbird ...
Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are native to North America and commonly referred to as simply cowbirds. They also have a reputation for being destructive to the nests of o ...
A cowbird removal program began in 1972 ... Researchers made sure that nest were checked just prior and after chicks had fledged. Nests that had >1 chick until 1-2 d before fledging were scored as ...
The common brown-headed cowbird is the most widespread brood parasite in North America. Poly­typic. Length 7.5". A smallish, compact and stocky blackbird with a short and thick-based bill ...
A cowbird removal program began in 1972 ... Researchers made sure that nest were checked just prior and after chicks had fledged. Nests that had >1 chick until 1-2 d before fledging were scored as ...