The Colorado River Basin is divided into upper and lower portions. It provides water to the Colorado River, a water source that serves 40 million people over seven states in the southwestern ...
Recent snowstorms in the Colorado Rockies have helped elevate snowpack levels as the calendar turns to spring. About two ...
A NASA map has revealed how much water the ... Researchers have also flagged regions of concern, such as the Colorado River Basin, with its severally depleted water flows. "There are many things ...
K. Nowak, M. Hoerling, B. Rajagopalan, & E. Zagona (2012). “Colorado River Basin Hydroclimatic Variability,” Journal of Climate, 25 (2), 4389–4403. Abstract: An analysis of annual hydroclimatic ...
Snowpack across the entire Upper Colorado River Basin sits at 95% of median as the winter draws to a close, according to a report released this week by the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center.
Winter storms brought some moisture back to the northern Colorado mountains, with snow that will melt and recharge the Colorado River Basin in the months to come. But travel south in the state and ...
There are four key physical characteristics that have an impact on the Colorado River basin.
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) -The future of the Colorado River Basin was the hot topic for several western Colorado entities on Monday. The Colorado Basin Roundtable is a group of stakeholders who ...
The Lower Basin states of California, Arizona and Nevada are asking for a fresh look at proposals for sharing the shrinking ...
The theme of the week may have centered on piecing together ways to manage the Colorado River after 2026, but Nevada and its six neighboring states in the basin walked away with a fractured puzzle ...