Minimizing the damage from climate change requires investments in mitigation and adaptation to increase ninefold and thirteenfold, respectively, by 2050 — equivalent to around 1% to 2% of cumulative ...
Around the globe, hotter temperatures stoked by climate change are increasing the odds of both severe drought and heavier ...
B arbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley has become a leading champion of small economies in global climate discussions. And so I ...
As President Donald Trump's administration looks to reverse a cornerstone finding that climate change endangers human health ...
Even if you’ve never heard of Michael Mann, you will have felt his baleful influence on your energy bills. He is the inventor ...
Earth’s frozen places — ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost — are melting: a clear sign of climate change and a planet ...
The latest deadline for countries to submit plans for slashing the greenhouse gas emissions fuelling climate change has ...
New analysis finds the effects of climate change were evident in nearly all regions of the world in recent months ...