Most chalazia (the plural of chalazion) form on the underside of the upper eyelid. While rare, they can sometimes form on the lower eyelid. Chalazia can affect anyone regardless of age ...
A chalazion and a hordeolum are both bumps on the eyelid. A hordeolum, also called a stye, is caused by bacterial infection, while a chalazion results from an obstructed gland. Knowing whether you ...
A chalazion most often occurs on the upper eyelid near the eyelashes. Over several days, the bump can enlarge to the size of a pea, but it's usually painless. An infection does not cause the blockage.
A pimple on your eyelid usually isn't acne — it's probably a stye, chalazion, or xanthelasma. A stye is a round, red bump that can be treated with a warm compress to drain the pus. A chalazion ...