Carbon credits sold on the voluntary market are under scrutiny for not offsetting greenhouse gas emissions as claimed.
His administration describes it as a carbon cap-and-trade program that is, ultimately, a tax on the carbon dioxide emissions of energy sources. PACER is Shapiro’s answer to the controversial ...
RICHMOND — A circuit court judge has ruled that Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s effort to remove Virginia from a carbon cap-and-trade market called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative was unlawful ...
The Fundamentals of Carbon Pricing Carbon pricing is a market-based strategy aimed at reducing global warming emissions. It does so by assigning a cost to greenhouse gas emissions, thereby ...
Washington state may also see its carbon auction prices decrease if it links up with California's cap-and-trade market.
Revenue from the cap-and-trade law is intended for climate projects, but Republicans have pitched a tax refund for some families.
Should the state improve air quality and preserve land? Or should it pay for projects that will protect utility customers from rate hikes? California’s cap-and-trade carbon market generated $4.4 ...
Forest Credits Could Crash The Price of Carbon, Greenpeace Says Carbon cap-and-trade efforts are becoming one long chain of unintended consequences. To whit: Greenpeace released a report arguing ...
The Liberals introduced draft regulations back in November that require producers to cut emissions by about one-third over ...
BY THE COOS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS New Hampshire’s yield tax on timber, often called the “timber tax,” was established in 1949 ...
Liberal leader and prime minister-designate Mark Carney is leading Canadians down the garden path on the Liberals’ carbon tax ...
During the election campaign, the Progressive Conservatives promised to make the gas tax discount permanent — a policy the party says it will follow through on.