In all, there are 17 tree species that can be killed by the shothole borer beetle, Woodward noted, but the list does not include the redwood that is ubiquitous in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
The City of Cape Town calls for urgent resident action as the invasive Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer beetle threatens local ...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — An invasive wood-boring beetle is quickly spreading in Texas, thanks to human interactions. Emerald ash borers are an invasive species that bores into ash trees—whether it’s ...
The shothole borer is a small beetle that can kill an entire tree by boring round holes the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen into a tree’s bark. A beetle is shown in an entry hole above.
Removals add hundreds of thousands as communities and forest owners seek to reduce losses, limit the numbers of beetles and limit the numbers of potential hazard trees. As of October 2008, the emerald ...
Avian species significantly reduce coffee berry borer beetle infestations in Costa Rica. Amid cuts to federal funding, US universities tighten budgets, forcing PhD students and early-career ...