If we give the state the power to decide which faith must be taught, we also give it the power to decide which faith must be ...
While I am not suggesting a full-scale rejection of the use of screens or technology in church, relying solely on videos ...
Walters maintains that the Bible has secular value as a teaching tool and that state resources can be used to purchase them ...
Maybe we can put this to bed at some point and move on to the issues we can focus on." Last June, Walters announced a ...
Our nation’s commitment to religious freedom depends on keeping church and state separate in our diverse public education ...
The Bible clearly teaches that abortion is wrong. This teaching comes across in many ways and for many reasons. Some people point out that the word "abortion" is not in the Bible, and that is true.
Conner Brown was born December 13,1937 to John and Marjorie Conner in Columbus, NC. She passed from this world to her eternal ...
You've heard it from pundits and politicians alike: "The Supreme Court has voted the Bible out of our schools." But is this really true? Can you teach the Bible in public school? Are you allowed to ...