A new generation of young viewers are set to be introduced to hug-loving purple dinosaur Barney and his equally colourful friends in cartoon series Barney’s World. Now airing on Sky channel ...
Barney the dinosaur wasn't the traditional masculine figure, drawing some of the immense ire against him, according to ...
Barney is a dinosaur from our imaginations that will finally be back on our screens this fall with the launch of new animated ...
“Generation Barney” alleged that while Barney’s appearance seems innocuous enough (it “made him approachable to kids”), some ...
Everyone recognizes the large purple dinosaur, but not many people know the man inside the costume. David Joyner played Barney for 10 years on TV and in live performances, and dancing around in ...
Barney and Baby Bop on "Barney & Friends" Barney ... about Barney & Friends were the catchy tunes the purple dinosaur and his friends would sing. Believe it or not, the songs about friendship ...