Scientists have discovered a protein that enables bacteria to shut down into dormant spores under extreme conditions. The ...
Authorities this week updated the tuna recall to a Class II incident, warning it could become contaminated with a rare, ...
They can all be caused by Bartonella – a stealthy, shape-shifting bacteria that often flies under the radar. In this exploration of Bartonella, we will delve into what Bartonella is, its ...
Imagine a world where bacteria, typically feared for causing disease, are turned into powerful weapons against cancer. That's ...
We use them to clean the dishes we eat off, but your kitchen sponge is a damp, crumb-filled environment that is perfect for bacteria to thrive in. Is a washing up brush better?
Various pathogens can cause skin infections, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The symptoms, treatment, and outlook will depend on the cause. Infections can vary from mild to serious.
There's an arms race in medicine -- scientists design drugs to treat lethal bacterial infections, but bacteria can evolve defenses to those drugs, sending the researchers back to square one.
Immune cells that eat bacteria in the body don't stash them in specialized compartments as once thought, but turn them into critical nutrients that build proteins, create energy and keep the cells ...
Bacteria consumed by immune cells become part of the cell Date: February 26, 2025 Source: University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Summary: Immune cells that eat bacteria in the body don't ...