Rebelllion has defended reusing assets in games, saying it's a 'smart' move to avoid drastically increasing budgets and ...
Sniper Elite Resistance is right around the corner, but the game is already in hot waters for repeating the same mistake as ...
Resistance to deviate from the Sniper Elite formula, if only a touch. I thought maybe we'd be shooting something other than ...
Resistance continues to impress in a new gameplay preview, and I chat with the series’ level designer about some common fan ...
Resistance lead level designer Beck Shaw about its mission design, its role in the overall franchise, and more.
At the risk of sounding too cliché in my introduction, it only feels like yesterday that I found myself, controller in hand - ...
We jumped into a tense mission from the upcoming Sniper Elite: Resistance to put our Nazi-hunting skills to the test once ...
While not making any major gameplay strides, Sniper Elite Resistance is doing right by the franchise's penchant for creative ...
The upcoming Sniper Elite: Resistance is much more than just a "side story" to 2022's Sniper Elite 5, bringing back several ...
The frustration you get in Sniper Elite is special because you know that, deep down, it is your fault things went wrong. At ...
Stealth and high difficulty create tense, engaging missions with multiple tactical routes.
Resistance focuses on a thrilling side story running concurrent to that of Sniper Elite 5, with more of the great stealth ...